Over 10 years we helping companies reach their financial and branding goals. Onum is a values-driven SEO agency dedicated.


Paid Advertising Campaigns

(also called Pay Per Click Advertising)

This is where the proverbial “rubber meets the road”, as we’re able to apply an easily quantifiable amount of money and see what the return is (ROI) dollar for dollar. Much of the pay-per-click advertising is continued experimentation in a campaign. We pivot to another position when one strategy isn’t reaping much fruit, and capitalize on the ones that are. This is called “scaling”. Read on further to see how Mindful Coding Solutions is a pro at running ads.

What is a “conversion”?

This can be explained as “The point at which a recipient of an advertising and marketing message makes a desirable action.” In other words, conversion is simply getting somebody to reply to your call-to-action.

Getting a person to open up an email is a conversion. Having them click on the call-to-action link inside that email is another conversion. Going to the landing web page and filling out an enrollment type to review your web content is a conversion. As well as, obviously, buying your product is the best conversion.

For consumer online marketers, conversion can be reasonably quick and also straightforward. A possible consumer checks a QR code to obtain a discount coupon (that’s a conversion right there), and afterwards they quickly most likely to the restaurant to get their cost-free french fries with a burger and also soda acquisition. (That’s the key conversion.).

In the longer and also extra intricate B2B sale, you desire a consistent collection of tiny conversions. Engage with your lead nurturing e-mail sends, engage on the site, communicate with your social media efforts, and with any luck do a lot of these activities on a mobile phone.

For service related business, in order to properly quantify ROI, you must know how much a conversion is worth.

paid advertising campaigns

Facebook Return On Investment (ROI)

This is how we know your advertising campaign is working.

This is an eCommerce customer of Mindful Coding Solutions. You can see the column ROAS, which basically says that for every dollar we spent on ads, we made almost $5 effectively quintupling the investment.

Let Mindful Coding Solutions make your business shine.